This is an old post dated Jan. 17, 2008 from a blog I’m fazing out. It’s a good reminder for me. Excuse the photo, but it’s all I had on hand, and probably older than this post.
For He has satisfied the thirsty soul, and the hungry soul He has filled with what is good. Psalm 107:9
Are you hungry or thirsty? Do you feel like you need something more; something better? Do you fill your days with ‘busyness’ and your home with ‘stuff’?
You won’t find satisfaction; deep, soul filling fullness of spirit apart from God. You can try and you may feel ‘happy’ for the moment, but a lasting peace and contentment cannot happen without God quenching your thirst and satiating your hunger.
Many times we enter a ‘drive by’ prayer situation and we all know that fast food fills you for the moment, but leaves you wanting more before long.
There is nothing wrong with a quick prayer, but when it becomes a substitute for drinking Him in; for sitting at His banquet table until you’re full – you will hunger and thirst. A dry spirit of longing sets in. You will feel parched and empty.
But we have the answer. His living waters are always flowing and His banquet table is always ready. Come, eat and drink and let Him satisfy your thirsty soul and fill your hungry soul with what is good.
Sarah says
This is such a great reminder! I particularly liked the “drive by” prayer analogy. I think that really applies to me concerning reading my Bible. I have this huge shelf full of books that I want to read and will neglect my Bible for days (ok…more than that…) and when I finally feel guilty enough, I read a chapter or two—all the while keeping my novel in mind so I can get back to it when I finish my quota. Isn’t that horrible??? God doesn’t want me to be guilted into reading his word, but instead, to be hungry for it. I need to make a fresh start…thanks for the prompting!
Trance! says
nice photo:))) Good post! Like this moment “You can try and you may feel ‘happy’ for the moment, but a lasting peace and contentment cannot happen without God quenching your thirst and satiating your hunger.” It’s true…
Heather Silva says
I love this post mom = ) it really hits what i’ve been thinking lately = )
Audra Marie says
@Heather JoySarcastic Silva: I’m glad it spoke to you. 🙂
Celeste says
Beautiful! I LOVE this. Just stumbled upon your website… your name caught my attention as we have Silva’s in our family (grandmother from Portugal). Tired tonight, but look forward to exploring your blog tomorrow. Thanks to Twitter for showing me that “we’re similar”, lol.
Audra Marie says
Glad to have you. 🙂