Essential Skills Advantage sent our family a membership to their Premium Plan online program for reading and language geared for grades K-6. It can also be used as remedial work for older students. They’ve designed the program to appeal to visual, auditory and kinesthetic learning styles through their animations, activities, games, sound effects, songs and rewards. The students can work…
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UberSmart Math Facts (A Review)
UberSmart Software asked the Review Crew to review their UberSmart Math Facts program. This program is for Windows computers and is a downloaded math drills program designed for grades K-6, but I think it’s perfect for all ages. The program can be used by eight or more students. UberSmart Math Facts has your student practice Dot Cards (look like dominoes),…
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Homeschooling Through Life’s Interruptions
Homeschooling comes with it’s own unique set of challenges, but when you add a huge life interruption, good or bad, it can quickly become overwhelming. How do you push through when the stress threatens to undo you? I’m going to share a couple of things I do when the road becomes difficult. Life always brings along interruptions: phone calls, appointments,…
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Summer TITLE Waves
Thank you Karen Blaha for the use of your photo. Can you believe we are halfway through these mini-challenges! Today is mini-challenge #4 out of 8. These last days of summer are definitely flying by! If you need a reminder about the overall reading challenge, read The “Summer’s Flying By” Reading Challenge post. Remember, the mini-challenges are not a requirement…
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Happy Kids Songs (A Review)
Happy Kids Songs sent us three CDs via download plus the Happy Kids Songs Workbook (in print). The CDs we received were Friends & Sharing, Happiness & Attitude, and Manners & Character. Their CDs and workbook are geared towards ages 3-8, but the songs and workbook would appeal to kids who are younger and slightly older than this age range…
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