My kids have on occasion stared at me with a thoughtful expression and said things like, “Mom, you have yellow teeth.” I can’t describe the warm fuzzies these types of revelations give me. Especially when done in public. In a not so quiet voice. Sigh. But often times these observations are dead on. And so it is with my teeth….
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Three Rounds With The Devil
I’ve been really pressing into the Lord lately as I learn through the waiting and trust through the finding with this upcoming move. So it’s not surprising that as I work to build my faith, Satan works to tear it down. Now I don’t believe the devil is behind everything. No, sometimes natural consequences to poor choices we’ve made or…
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Seek And You Will Find
I’m joining the Five Minute Friday community where we set a timer for five minutes, and free write on the given word prompt until the timer goes off… Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds,…
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When God Says Wait
I’m joining the Five Minute Friday community where we set a timer for five minutes, and free write on the given word prompt until the timer goes off… Go: What have I learned in this waiting God asked of me? I learned He is right here in the waiting with me. Not only is He right here, but He is…
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Hope (FMF)
Five Minute Friday… Hope soars and dips, ebbs and flows. Sometimes when life is at it’s darkest moments, hope shines bright guiding us to the One who authors such goodness. Other times it dims and we have to cling to the bare glimpse of it; fighting to believe it still exists. Through it all, God not only gives us that…
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