We may have to start budgeting for the plumber. We’ve definitely been here in this ‘kitchen’ mess before. With a family of six (still at home), dishes stack up pretty fast. And we all know what a gruesome picture food encrusted dishes make. In this situation, a little creativity is needed.
It was time to set up the target range. I recommend you place the dishes in the grass to help secure them. Even then, a powerful spray will send them rolling. At least they had some cushion. By the way, sons will love you for this.
Look at the intensity and concentration on that face. He’s taking his job seriously. Well, as seriously as one can under the circumstances.
Okay, now for the real way to do dishes. Think camping. When you are in kitchen crisis mode, use paper plates. It helps cut down on dishes. Get two tubs and fill one with hot soapy water, and the other with hot clean water. I recommend placing them on your table to get a decent height. Wash, rinse, and set on a towel to dry. Repeat. Having a team of helpers is nice.
When you’re done or need to change out the water, dump it outside somewhere inconspicuous. Neighbor’s yard? Just kidding. Find a spot somewhere in your yard to dump it. If it’s not full of scraps of food, you can dump it in the gutter, and spray with the hose to help push it into the storm drain.
Tip: Do not overfill your tubs. Those things get heavy.
Now, we all know that stress is not good for you, and in crazy situations, it’s best to express your emotions in a healthy way. Plus, keeping your sense of humor in these types of situations is important. And let’s not forget we have a Pinteresting series going on this month. (Yes, I said Pinteresting. Just go with me on this one.) I took all this into consideration, and decided this pin was a must do.
Chrystiana and I had fun, and shared some laughs as we attempted to put a face with each egg. My husband didn’t even bat an eye at our shenanigans. Not sure what that says about us. I have a sneaky feeling he would have helped if he hadn’t been focused on a project.
If you try this, remember to wipe the condensation off a bit so the pen will work better. We stuck with black permanent markers rather than get all colorful. I think it had more impact in black and white.
The kids smiles this morning were so worth the hard work that took all of maybe 20 minutes. What? My teen isn’t smiling you say. Well, of course he is under his sleep deprived “I’m so not awake, mom” look. Trust me, he is jumping up and down on the inside!
You should totally try this. It’s good clean, silly fun.
You can catch the rest of the 31 Days of Pinterest Inspired Projects, Activities and Ideas on the main post. Just click the button.
Mrs. Sarah Coller says
Best post ever!! I totally love this. 🙂
Mrs. Sarah Coller recently posted:Make Bake Create #27
Tanner says
How was the clog? Try the baking soda+vinegar trick.
Audra Marie says
The plumber said grease had solidified into a hard mess. We might need to do the baking soda/vinegar as routine maintenance. I see you’re a plumber…any other ideas for routine maintenance? 🙂